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Another Upsurge in Ship Repair Production

27 Oct 2022

The victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has injected new momentum into the speed-up and efficiency of ship repair production of CSSC Chengxi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. After two month's intense repair, on October 23, at the Chengxi, the ship "Messi" with 22 cargo oil tank coating as the main line project has taken on a new look, slowly departed, whistled and set sail. This is the 12th ship repair project delivered by our company in October.

Next, the Ship Repair Division will strengthen production planning, speed up the production rhythm, and do a solid job in epidemic prevention and control, work hard in the fourth quarter and sprint the whole year to contribute to the company's high-quality development. We are determined to contribute to the progress of the world shipping industry and the happiness of mankind.


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