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Early Delivery! Overcoming Difficulties and Guaranteeing the Delivery of the Ship, Opening a New Cha

28 Sep 2022

On September 28, the No. 45 82,000-ton bulk carrier built by CSSC Chengxi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, for Donghai Anhe Bulk Shipping Co., Ltd. was delivered in Jiangyin, 97 days ahead of the contract delivery date. The change cycle was only 5 days, and a satisfactory answer sheet was handed in for the shipowner's customers, and it was also dedicated to the 73rd birthday of the Republic and the 20th National Congress of the Party with practical actions.

At the delivery ceremony, Lu Ziyou, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of CSSC Chengxi Company, Wu Qingmin, Chairman of Donghai Anhe Company, Yang Yu, General Manager of Ship Business Department One of CSSC Trading Company, and Tao Beijuan, Senior Manager of Huarong Leasing Co., Ltd. jointly signed the delivery document.


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