LNG/LPG/LEG type C tanks are designed as cryogenic pressure vessels, using conventional pressure vessel codes, and the dominant design criteria is the vapour pressure. This type of containment system can be used for fully pressurized, semi-pressured and fully refrigerated gas carrier and LNG fuel tank. It is the dominant design in LNG carriers. Mainly tank material made of 9% Ni steel

Основные характеристики

Class society: GL-DNV ABS LR BV NK

Flexible design pressure according to customers requirements.

Convenient for construction and installation

Single shell tank adopt 9%Ni steel, suitable for LNG and LPG.

Professional team, and turnkey project.

Поиск продукции

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No.888, Jiang’an Road, Xingang Industrial Park, Jingjiang City, Jiangsu Province, China