IMO Type C Single / Double Shell Tank

The IMO type C-Tank type LNG tank is the most common tank technology for LNG fuel containment, typically used as a fuel tank for cargo vessels. The construction is similar to a pressure vessel, based on the cylindrical design for optimal material usage vs. internal pressure, with a maximum design pressure of 10 bar for marine applications.
It is the dominant design in LNG carriers. The C-type tank needs insulation to keep the content cold and minimize LNG boil-off. There are two types of insulation used, double shell with vacuum and insulation in annular space and single shell with spray insulation on the outer layer to hold the low temperature. It called 9%Ni cryogenic tank, for LNG storage. Used for LNG barges, chemical carriers, LNG fuel tanks with TCS system,FGSS system, or LNG bunkers.

Основные характеристики

International Class society: GL-DNV, ABS, LR, B ,NK, USCG.

Flexible design pressure according to customer’s requirements, up to 10 barg.

Convenient for construction and installation, and lower boil-off rate.

Double shell tank fabricated max. up to 1200m³with spray insulated.

Single shell tank volume manufactured up to 8500m. with or without FGSS system.

Professional design, production team, complete process for turnkey project.

Used for LNG bunker fuel or cargo loading.

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